This information explains how Lycée Louis Pasteur plans to organize the 2021-22 school year based on the Alberta Guidance for School Re-Entry Plan – Scenario 1. We will use multiple prevention strategies that will be implemented in a layered approach promoting safer in-person learning and care. Implementation of this Plan is subject to change depending on the situation and the direction from Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Education.
“Local school authorities have the flexibility and autonomy to manage their school setting and implement practices that go beyond the public health requirements.” – Adriana Lagrange
Mask use is new for all of us. As with any learning, students’ mask use will be regularly assessed to provide the best age-appropriate teaching, guidance and encouragement, and to ensure the safety of our school community.
Mask use continues to be mandatory in shared spaces for all staff, and for students in Grade 4 and above. While parents may choose to send their younger child (grade 3 and below) to school with a non-medical mask, we will not mandate other students of the same age to do the same.
There will be times when wearing a mask negatively impacts students’ learning or health. In these instances, our teachers will request that a student temporarily removes their mask while ensuring physical distancing is respected.
For example, the Lycée will not allow students to wear masks during recess nor during physical education without a medical note, as this can become an unintended hazard (for example, physical injury if caught on playground equipment). As per page 5 of Alberta’s “Guidance for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation” document, “masks cannot be assured to stay in place, and there is evidence to suggest that wearing a mask during high-intensity activity could have negative health effects”.
Additionally, our teachers may request that masks be removed to ensure fluid communication between students and teacher, or for proper language acquisition and/or pronunciation activities. When learning a second or third language, it is of utmost importance that teachers are able to clearly hear their students’ voice, and to see the shape of one’s mouth when forming different sounds or pronouncing different words.
We take our students’ education, health and wellness very seriously and thank all members of the Lycee community for respecting and adhering to the Lycee’s policy on mask use.
3 & 4-Year-Old
Before leaving home, staff and children who will access the child care, should self-screen or be screened by a parent or guardian for symptoms each day that they enter the centre using the applicable checklist for their age group (Child Alberta Health Daily Checklist* or Adult Alberta Health Daily Checklist*). The child care centre should ask parents if the child is feeling well.
Kindergarten to Grade 12
Children under 18, including all students who attend kindergarten through Grade 12 and high school students over 18, must complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist* for Children under 18 before going to school, child care or other activities.
School staff and visitors must review the Alberta Health Daily Checklist* to determine if they may enter a school.
Before leaving home, staff, students and visitors should assess whether they feel well enough to attend school for any reason.
Parents/guardians should assess their children daily for any new signs or symptoms of illness using the Alberta Daily Health Checklist*.
If a student or staff member has any of the following core COVID-19 symptoms (new, or worsening and not related to other known causes), they are required to isolate for 10 days from onset of symptoms, or until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result, as per provincial guidelines:
– Fever
– Cough
– Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
– Loss of sense of smell or taste
– Sore throat (adults only)
– Runny nose (adults only)
**Please note that due to privacy reasons, the school will not check or store this personal medical data.**
They will be asked to wear a non-medical mask and be isolated in a separate room.
The parents of students will be contacted for immediate pick up & should follow AHS guidelines.
Staff will be asked to go home and follow AHS protocols.
AHS will not be informing us if there is a positive COVID-19 case in our school.
If the classroom teacher is legally required to stay away from school due to AHS isolation protocols, one of our regular substitute teachers will supervise the students in the classroom, and the students’ teacher may lead lessons remotely.
There will be no school-based contact tracing.
In the event of a confirmed case, the Lycée will send an email to all parents and staff, advising of the positive case. The grade and class will be identified, however, the person(s) affected will not be identified. Any decision regarding moving to Distance Learning, whether for one or more classes, would be communicated as soon as possible.
– HVAC systems have new filters and increased ventilation.
– Air purifiers have been serviced, filters have been changed.
– We will increase the frequency of sanitizing school facilities.
– High-touch surfaces & high traffic areas will undergo enhanced cleaning multiple times each day.
– Hand hygiene will continue to be implemented, including regular use of sanitation stations.
– Maintain mandated handwashing at regular intervals.
– When entering and leaving the building and/or a classroom.
– Before and after going to washrooms.
– Before and After Snack and Lunch.
– Before and after using common sports equipment (Climbing wall, etc…).
Lockers will be available for secondary students’ only.
Lockers will NOT be available for elementary students.
The school will remain closed to parents and visitors.
Parents and teachers are asked to meet virtually.
The parking lot will be closed daily during drop-off and pick-up, from 8:15 to 8:45 am and from 3:15 to 3:45 pm.
In-person events (i.e. Back to School BBQ and Café Croissant are cancelled).
We hope to resume hosting community events in the future.
Meet the Teacher Night will be conducted online.
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be conducted online.
Gatherings & assemblies will be online only.
Preschool to Grade 9: Each grade level will be considered a cohort.
Grade 10-12 students will be considered one cohort.
Cohorts will use separate entrances throughout the school to minimize exposure to other cohorts.
– Preschool, Kindergarten & Elementary students will eat lunch in their respective classrooms.
– Secondary students will eat lunch in the last room they had class in during Period 4.
– Students will sanitize their desks before and after lunch.
– Students who bring packed lunches must take home all their garbage (wrappers, bags, etc).
– No sharing will be allowed.
– Will be delivered in individual containers.
– K-G5: directly to the classrooms.
– Secondary students will pick up their hot lunch from a designated area.
– Students are required to bring their own cutlery – the school will not provide utensils.
– Each after school activity will be considered their own cohort and will not mingle with others.
– Students will be accompanied outside at the end of the school day by their teacher, who will remain with her/his class until the afterschool care teacher arrives to pick up the students for clubs or daycare.
– Students in afterschool care or clubs will be picked up 10 minutes later by their club instructor or daycare supervisor.
– In the event of bad weather, afterschool students will line up next to the room of the club.
– All grades can use the big gym, except 3 & 4-year-old classes who will remain on the preschool campus for Physical Education.
– Elementary classes will only use the stairway next to the gym (not during class change to avoid crossing Secondary students next to the washrooms).
– Climbing activities will resume for Kindergarten to Grade 12 under the following measures:
– Elementary students will have art and music in their regular classrooms.
– Secondary students will have art and music in the Art and Music rooms.
– Students will sanitize their desks at the end of the class.
– 3 & 4-year-old will not be able to use the Library.
– Sets of books will be prepared and brought to the Preschool building.
– Library will resume normally for other classes.
– Secondary students will go back to a rotary-based timetable.
– Desks will be sanitized by students at the end of each class under teachers’ supervision.
– Lockers will be available for secondary students’ use. Students should maintain social distancing and take all needed materials for the morning or the afternoon classes at once.
– Secondary students will go back to a rotary-based timetable.
– Desks will be sanitized by students at the end of each class under teachers’ supervision.
– Lockers will be available for secondary students’ use. Students should maintain social distancing and take all needed materials for the morning or the afternoon classes at once.